Automatic Feces Analyzer

Fully Automatic Digital Stool Analyzer is a device for batch processing and analysis of stool sample,which vastly increase the doctor's work effeciency,avoid high rate of miss&false test,and the hospital's lab bio safety can also be fully ensured,as well as the test result can be digitalized,stored and transferred in the hospital's PC&LIS/HIS system.


Main Features of Automatic Feces Analyzer

1. Provide an all-round accurate detection of properties, occult blood, cells, bacteria of feces and etc.
2. An innovative technology for effectively screening hemorrhage and tumors of digestive tract.
3. Direct test with patented feces sampler, full sealed detection procedure avoids biological pollution.
4. Patented technique of feces mixing & filtering, cell extraction, and effectively improves the accuracy of cell detection result.
5. Disposable cell-counting chamber eliminates cross contamination and blockage
